Learning is Change

Wanna help me collaboratively tag this image?

Wanna help me collaboratively tag this image?

It is a four quadrant diagram of Impact and Connection

Add any links you think make sense in the right quadrant (Data, Knowledge, Information, and Insight). Thank you!


Can’t wait to dig into a lot of these.

Can’t wait to dig into a lot of these.

Originally shared by Shamil Weerakoon

Google+ “F1” Directory ~ Final Edition : http://goo.gl/rr4mi

The Largest Compilation of Google+ Related Posts

I’ve been addicted to Google+ since August, 2011; and has been ever known for Google+ Tutorials, & Tips

My first post was a simple comparison of G+ and FB illustrating the awesome features of Google+. (Link : http://goo.gl/oTlff ) For my surprise, the post had 100+ shares within a week; and my follower count reached from tens to hundreds

I later added and revised the post and had 2 other newer lists of G+ features.

After a few days I created a Guide for the Google+ Main Stream; followed by Guides to the Profile, Circles, & Photos.

Thanks to a number of Plussers such as; Gabriel Vasile, Jaana Nyström, Peter G McDermott, Lee Smallwood, Denis Labelle, Rahul Roy, Sean Cowen, Anthony Fox, etc. whose shared circles made be get thousands of Followers. More the number of followers increased, more I was inspired to help the community with Google+ related stuff.

One thing I’ve learned from my experience on Google+ is that People tend to love and are more attracted to visual stuff than just long Posts of simple text.

Also, people make less clicks on LINKS than on Images.

And, users tend to read lists or short points than Long paragraphs.

Hence, I’ve been helping most beginners to learn the basics of Google+ to achieve higher targets in being an influential Plusser to the Community.

My First compilation of 104 Google+ Related posts ( http://goo.gl/sPEOF ), and the second list containing more than 150 posts ( http://goo.gl/jAHkK ) were two of my greatest lists.

To come up with the version 3.0, I’ve made use of Google Docs to compile the Full list of G+ related posts to total 425+ posts.


Here’s the Link :



TIP : To see whether you post is listed, use the “Ctrl + F” function.


Thanks n Regards

My Other Posts : http://goo.gl/PfqqK

Can’t wait to dig into a lot of these.

Can’t wait to dig into a lot of these.

Originally shared by Shamil Weerakoon

Google+ “F1” Directory ~ Final Edition : http://goo.gl/rr4mi

The Largest Compilation of Google+ Related Posts

I’ve been addicted to Google+ since August, 2011; and has been ever known for Google+ Tutorials, & Tips

My first post was a simple comparison of G+ and FB illustrating the awesome features of Google+. (Link : http://goo.gl/oTlff ) For my surprise, the post had 100+ shares within a week; and my follower count reached from tens to hundreds

I later added and revised the post and had 2 other newer lists of G+ features.

After a few days I created a Guide for the Google+ Main Stream; followed by Guides to the Profile, Circles, & Photos.

Thanks to a number of Plussers such as; Gabriel Vasile, Jaana Nyström, Peter G McDermott, Lee Smallwood, Denis Labelle, Rahul Roy, Sean Cowen, Anthony Fox, etc. whose shared circles made be get thousands of Followers. More the number of followers increased, more I was inspired to help the community with Google+ related stuff.

One thing I’ve learned from my experience on Google+ is that People tend to love and are more attracted to visual stuff than just long Posts of simple text.

Also, people make less clicks on LINKS than on Images.

And, users tend to read lists or short points than Long paragraphs.

Hence, I’ve been helping most beginners to learn the basics of Google+ to achieve higher targets in being an influential Plusser to the Community.

My First compilation of 104 Google+ Related posts ( http://goo.gl/sPEOF ), and the second list containing more than 150 posts ( http://goo.gl/jAHkK ) were two of my greatest lists.

To come up with the version 3.0, I’ve made use of Google Docs to compile the Full list of G+ related posts to total 425+ posts.


Here’s the Link :



TIP : To see whether you post is listed, use the “Ctrl + F” function.


Thanks n Regards

My Other Posts : http://goo.gl/PfqqK

Can’t wait to dig into a lot of these.

Can’t wait to dig into a lot of these.

Originally shared by Shamil Weerakoon

Google+ “F1” Directory ~ Final Edition : http://goo.gl/rr4mi

The Largest Compilation of Google+ Related Posts

I’ve been addicted to Google+ since August, 2011; and has been ever known for Google+ Tutorials, & Tips

My first post was a simple comparison of G+ and FB illustrating the awesome features of Google+. (Link : http://goo.gl/oTlff ) For my surprise, the post had 100+ shares within a week; and my follower count reached from tens to hundreds

I later added and revised the post and had 2 other newer lists of G+ features.

After a few days I created a Guide for the Google+ Main Stream; followed by Guides to the Profile, Circles, & Photos.

Thanks to a number of Plussers such as; Gabriel Vasile, Jaana Nyström, Peter G McDermott, Lee Smallwood, Denis Labelle, Rahul Roy, Sean Cowen, Anthony Fox, etc. whose shared circles made be get thousands of Followers. More the number of followers increased, more I was inspired to help the community with Google+ related stuff.

One thing I’ve learned from my experience on Google+ is that People tend to love and are more attracted to visual stuff than just long Posts of simple text.

Also, people make less clicks on LINKS than on Images.

And, users tend to read lists or short points than Long paragraphs.

Hence, I’ve been helping most beginners to learn the basics of Google+ to achieve higher targets in being an influential Plusser to the Community.

My First compilation of 104 Google+ Related posts ( http://goo.gl/sPEOF ), and the second list containing more than 150 posts ( http://goo.gl/jAHkK ) were two of my greatest lists.

To come up with the version 3.0, I’ve made use of Google Docs to compile the Full list of G+ related posts to total 425+ posts.


Here’s the Link :



TIP : To see whether you post is listed, use the “Ctrl + F” function.


Thanks n Regards

My Other Posts : http://goo.gl/PfqqK

This is what my daughter did at school today. I love my kid’s school sometimes:

This is what my daughter did at school today. I love my kid’s school sometimes:

Art Studio Visit: We had an opportunity to visit artist Lawrence Argent today. He is the artist who sculpted the Big Blue Bear at the Denver Convention Center. He gave us a tour of his sculpture studio, and we had the opportunity to see where students make both metal as well as wood sculptures. We also had an opportunity to see various sculptures made out of cardboard that different students made. We asked Professor Argent many great questions about how he sculpted the Big Blue Bear, and he told us some interesting facts about why the bear is blue as well as why he is looking in the window. Finally, we visited his digital art lab, and had an opportunity to see how the artist use lasers to create art on the computer!