Learning is Change

Sorry if you saw this already. Just trying to figure out where this exists.

Sorry if you saw this already. Just trying to figure out where this exists.

Originally shared by Ben Wilkoff

So, I was trying to find a directory of EdTech folks who vlog today, and I couldn’t find one. 

I would really love to subscribe to a whole bunch of folks who do reflective learning videos on a regular basis and have conversations through video with them. 

Does anyone know if such a directory exists (or at the very least, a decent Youtube playlist with someone’s favorites). 

Short of finding a directory like this, I’m totally okay with you just replying to this post with your youtube channel and I can check it out. Thanks for any help you can provide!

Any thoughts?

Any thoughts?

Originally shared by Ben Wilkoff

So, I was trying to find a directory of EdTech folks who vlog today, and I couldn’t find one. 

I would really love to subscribe to a whole bunch of folks who do reflective learning videos on a regular basis and have conversations through video with them. 

Does anyone know if such a directory exists (or at the very least, a decent Youtube playlist with someone’s favorites). 

Short of finding a directory like this, I’m totally okay with you just replying to this post with your youtube channel and I can check it out. Thanks for any help you can provide!

Anyone have thoughts on such a directory?

Anyone have thoughts on such a directory?

Originally shared by Ben Wilkoff

So, I was trying to find a directory of EdTech folks who vlog today, and I couldn’t find one. 

I would really love to subscribe to a whole bunch of folks who do reflective learning videos on a regular basis and have conversations through video with them. 

Does anyone know if such a directory exists (or at the very least, a decent Youtube playlist with someone’s favorites). 

Short of finding a directory like this, I’m totally okay with you just replying to this post with your youtube channel and I can check it out. Thanks for any help you can provide!

So, I was trying to find a directory of EdTech folks who vlog today, and I couldn’t find one.

So, I was trying to find a directory of EdTech folks who vlog today, and I couldn’t find one. 

I would really love to subscribe to a whole bunch of folks who do reflective learning videos on a regular basis and have conversations through video with them. 

Does anyone know if such a directory exists (or at the very least, a decent Youtube playlist with someone’s favorites). 

Short of finding a directory like this, I’m totally okay with you just replying to this post with your youtube channel and I can check it out. Thanks for any help you can provide!

Change List: It Is Never Okay To Be Mean To Learners

The thing I would like to Change today is people using “yellish” to teach. It is never okay. So stop it.

Reference for the original conversation:

Pamela Livingston was the woman on the panel that the Kipp representative cut off in order to make his flippant remark.

Gary Stager was the one who responded later in the panel.

Here is their contact info:



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Just trying to amplify this request.

Just trying to amplify this request.

I don’t know about long-term stays in the hospital, but my wife had two very difficult pregnancies. My only recommendation is an iPad and Netflix.

Originally shared by Marnie Rogers

I have a friend in the hospital long-term with a difficult pregnancy.  Does anyone have ideas for cheering up her hospital room, making her stay there more tolerable? I have never been admitted to a hospital and don’t really know their rules regarding what I can or cannot bring to make it more homelike.

Change List: “Be The Box”

This change list takes a look at an idea from the very first k12 online conference that talks about ways for educators to “be the box”. I am interested in tweaking this to “be the story.”

Original link: http://k12onlineconference.org/?p=169

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