Learning is Change

From the update to hangouts this week, I am still trying to figure out how to do what they claim is now possible:

From the update to hangouts this week, I am still trying to figure out how to do what they claim is now possible:

“Broadcasters can now schedule Hangouts On Air, then promote them with a dedicated watch page. Once you’re live, Control Room lets you moderate the conversation with eject and remote mute.”

Anyone been able to do this yet?

Starting to Learn Google App Scripting

I will write a follow up post to this, but I have recently started to actually write some scripts (or modify others’ scripts) for use in specific contexts in Denver Public Schools, and so I wanted to share one of the best introductions to Google Apps Script that I have seen, complete with a demo script to try out. While it is still highly technical, it does lay the ground work a bit more than most of the Google Developer pages.

Common Core Google Site Templates

While there may be significant push back on elements of the Common Core, the ability to demonstrate learning in unique and powerful ways probably isn’t one of them. It is in that vein that I would like to curate two Common Core-aligned Math portfolio sites for student use:

Please let me know if you have found any others.