- Image via CrunchBase
I realized that my last post lacked a little context, so I am giving it now. Yesterday, an online school (http://twitter.com/iHighVirtualSD) decided to follow me on twitter. It got me thinking. How many other online schools are already in this space (either as entities or as representatives who put their virtual school into their own profile)… I used http://tweepsearch.com/ to find these:
- http://twitter.com/EDgal
- http://twitter.com/Micki_Wingate (hasn’t posted since July 23rd)
- @virtualparent
- @Connections4U
- @MsLivFLVS
- @Carrie_Jean
- @julie_rose_
- @jennobles
- @baldy7
- @bb915
- @kurquhart
- @magzmom
- @glad2be
- @schultzem
- @crescentprephs
- @onlinehigh
- PennFoster
- LaurelSprings
- @unkwillow
- @Online_Courses
- @catalyst11
I am sure that there are more out there, but my point is this: Some of these twitter accounts are people, and some are representing an organization. While I may want to pay attention to an organization’s updates, I am not intersted in engaging them in a conversation. The schools that use twitter most effectly are going to be the ones who realize that it is a two-way medium and not something to simply broadcast whatever PR sounds good to the person holding the keys to the account at the moment.
I guess I am still looking for a good twitter profile that speaks for many, speaks to many, and listens to even more.