Linguistics is only a study of natural langauges (not like esperanto)
If Language is a mirror to the mind, unnatural language (created langauges) are like fun house mirrors.
The different schools of thought in lingustics define linguistics in very different ways (parsing the parts of a sentence vs. trying to figure out how the mind works with words) (surface language vs. deeper meaning).
What is the nature of language? (Innate? Arbitrary? Messy? Rule Governed? All languages use some aspect of word order (place holders, SVO (Subject/Verb/Object) or SOV) and/or inflection to differentiate meaning, Spontaneous? Recreated with every generation (generative)? Novel? *These are not really questions, but things to think about).
What is it that makes language possible? Context.
How does communication work? Physical, Cognative, Non-Verbal, Conventions/Social aspects of language.
Maxims of:
And one more that I can’t remember.
Prescriptive rules vs. Descriptive rules. Generative Grammar is the best of both worlds. It is both at the same time.
Language is a preeminent trait that develops in a child spontaneously and formal instruction is not neccesary.
Children instinctually desire language (the art of langauge) (according to Darwin).
What is the difference between teaching language, vocabulary, and grammar.
Language is prior to undersanding symbols. Language is not a substitution for symbolic representation.
Black English Vernacular (BEV) – it has its own grammar.
Double Negatives are okay.
Deletion of verb “to be” and other unnecessary pieces of english.
Contracting auxiliaries.
The distinction between a language and a dialect is political rather than linguistic.
He owns a typewriter and collects Laserdiscs. He loves his three children quite a bit (aged 11, 16 and 18). He is passionate about authentic learning, technology with purpose, and creating at least one new thing every day. In short, he teaches, and learns. A lot.
“Linguistics is only a study of natural langauges (not like esperanto)”
“If Language is a mirror to the mind, unnatural language (created langauges) are like fun house mirrors.”
“Linguistics is only a study of natural langauges (not like esperanto)”
“If Language is a mirror to the mind, unnatural language (created langauges) are like fun house mirrors.”
That’s bull.