Going to be doing this roundtable hangout with some amazing people in 2 hours time.

Going to be doing this roundtable hangout with some amazing people in 2 hours time.

Going to be doing this roundtable hangout with some amazing people in 2 hours time.

Among them, are Adam Bellow, Mike Muir, Gemma Tur Ferrer, and Stacy Smith. Come and Join us, and make sure you put your info on the planning document to start collaborating.

Originally shared by Ben Wilkoff

Don’t forget to sign up on the Planning Doc to start collaborating (after you RSVP for the event): http://bit.ly/portfolioroundtable 

Roundtable purpose:

This roundtable is specifically focused on how Online Portfolios for Teachers/Leaders and Students can be drivers of self-reflection and shifts in learning rather than simply collections of “work products.”

Roundtable audience:

1. Any teacher or leader who has experience with online portfolios for professional learning or for students

2. Any teacher or leader who is looking to explore or implement online portfolios 


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