Category: <span>Uncategorized</span>

Openness is Pervasive

Teacher Leadership is kind of an awesome thing to see. When teachers feel empowered enough to create the future of their school, the limits just seem to vanish. In teams that trust one another, learning happens and ideas are disseminated rapidly. When the doors are open for a reason, teachers …

Our Learning I/O

One of the questions that I constantly ask myself is, “Where does the learning come from and where does it go?” What I mean by this is that learning experiences have to start from something: a piece of content, a new idea, or from some spark of curiosity within a …

Sharing as Adults

We ask kids to share constantly. From the time they are in Kindergarten we have come to expect it. But, there are so few models showing the same good sharing habits amongst adults. More often than not, we are encouraged not to share in the adult world. We are encouraged …

Self Directed

It is not always possible to self-direct your learning. In the same way, it feels even harder to self-direct your progress and your career sometimes. But, self-directing your passions, now that’s possible. Choosing what to be excited about is something that seems like an extension of who we are, but …