Category: <span>Blog</span>

I'm intrigued by the idea that personalized learning might simply be a fulfillment of Dewy's ideals.

I’m intrigued by the idea that personalized learning might simply be a fulfillment of Dewy’s ideals and not truly “disruptive innovation”. What do you think? The buzz word everywhere is “innovation.”  You can’t avoid it.  And who wants to?  It means positive change, connotes growth and goodness.  It’s a wonderful …

This is one of the best articles on Glass I have read. It speaks to much of my experience with wearing…

This is one of the best articles on Glass I have read. It speaks to much of my experience with wearing Glass in public. What do you all think of where he ends up? For much of 2013, I wore the future across my brow, a true Glasshole, peering uncertainly …

My Homework

Jeremy Inscho tagged me in this blog meme, and seeing as how my kiddos woke up at 4:00 to see if Santa came, I’m up anyway (Spoiler alert: he did). So, thank you Jeremy, and here goes. 11 facts: I am a sucker for Beta products. (Just slap a beta …