Watching Tim Villegas talk Inclusive Education with some other experts!
Watching Tim Villegas talk Inclusive Education with some other experts!
Watching Tim Villegas talk Inclusive Education with some other experts!
This vlog from Darren Kuropatwa is spot on for our Learning Path discussions.
This vlog from Darren Kuropatwa is spot on for our Learning Path discussions. How do we know when someone has…
Benjamin Wilkoff hung out with 1 person.Adam Bellow
Inspired by +Brendan Murphy’s vlog from yesterday, I wanted to think through three things:
+Brendan Murphy’s previous post got me thinking about the types of constraints within a learning environment that…
When are Constraints on Learning a Good Thing? #rhisomaticlearning #etmooc
Sheri Edwards is too busy making amazing comments on other people’s videos, but here is the one she posted last…
Stop Aggregating Content, and Start Aggregating Conversation #edchat