An amazing piece from a teacher who is trying something new in the classroom and feeling understandable pushback from students and parents:
I think this fear is absolutely understandable. You are doing something amazing, and that is scary.
My favorite thing that you have done about this fear is face it WITH your students. You have admitted to them that it exists and you have called it out on these wonderful posters.
It is my hope that you recognize that not one of your students will forget this year. It is theirs and yours together.
Your entry does have a point: You are learning out loud, which is just what you are asking your kids to do. Is there a way that the EdTech (or Medium) community can help support you in this work?
What if you asked students to post their work online for each other to comment on (or for fellow educators/classrooms) to respond to? What if we could all grapple with the duality of love and fear?
Idle Confessions of a Teacher Trying Something New — Teaching, Learning, & Education — Medium.