Would you like to be on the roundtable (the video portion) or just view?
Would you like to be on the roundtable (the video portion) or just view?
Would you like to be on the roundtable (the video portion) or just view?
Would you like to be on the roundtable (the video portion) or just view? I’m fine either way, but I just wanted to…
Thanks so much for being on the panel today. I will be sending you the invite to the roundtable itself about 30…
I am inquiring as to whether or not this is your Google+ account so that we can call you for the hangout today.
I am inquiring as to whether or not this is your Google+ account so that we can call you for the hangout today. I…
I really love how St. Vrain’s Online PD is open. The fact that they are specifically teaching others how to…
Excited to be hosting this event tomorrow with some great folks who have already RSVP’d.