I’m so excited to see everyone today! I will be about an hour late, but no matter.
I’m so excited to see everyone today! I will be about an hour late, but no matter.
I’m so excited to see everyone today! I will be about an hour late, but no matter.
I’m so excited to see everyone today! I will be about an hour late, but no matter.
I’m so excited to see everyone today! I will be about an hour late, but no matter. I wanted to make sure everyone…
I’m going to hop on the hangout about 30 minutes early and invite you all in case you need to test out the…
Many of you have signed up for this event, and I’m so excited to be a part of it.
Many of you have signed up for this event, and I’m so excited to be a part of it. Please make sure you put yourself…
I really had no idea that there was this great treasure trove of wonderful stock footage for video projects. There are tons of things that could be used in the classroom or for educational remixing. Let me know if you are using them for any digital storytelling projects, as well. …
Most of this is pretty geeky, but man really do like the way he is thinking about and talking about these tools.
Teachers are an Asset, not a Liability. #TrustTeachers