Author: <span>Ben Wilkoff</span>

#C4C15: The Ultimate in Differentiation: Genius Hour | Dare to Care

Sometimes Differentiation isn’t the right word for what is going on in an innovative classroom: Whenever I do a sessions on “Personalization”, I tend to ask folks what the difference between Personalizing FOR students and Personalizing BY students. I believe that this is the heart of why Genius Hour is …

Use a Single Click to Add Your Name, Email Address, and Twitter Handle to a Google Spreadsheet

Alright, you can probably file this under “why on earth would I want to do that”, but I am super excited about this capability and here is why: Imagine that you are leading a PD session and you want to capture everyone’s info (twitter account, email, and names) without having …

#C4C15: wwwatanabe: What does it mean to be literate in the 21st century?

A great frame for thinking about 21st century literacies, those things that are truly different about the way we deal with information in our modern learning environments: I appreciate the way you have approached “new literacies” as something that really does build upon the literacies that come before. The radical …