Author: <span>Ben Wilkoff</span>

GPS vs. A Map

Before GPS was in everything, before it was in phones and tablets, before it was helping us with driving directions and telling us where the closest bathroom was, it was a simple set of coordinates that allows us to navigate to particular position on the planet. And we liked it …

Conversations are Meta-data (and why you should care)

I am engaged by this idea that conversations could be considered metadata and could be used to drive instruction or differentiation. How would that work in your learning environment?

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Winston Churchill and Web 2.0 Tools

Web 2.0 tools are unreliable at best and unavailable at worst. They don’t work the way they did last week because of their constant feature updates. They don’t allow for us to own many of the things we create either. They are, in fact, the worst tools for collaboration that exist, except for everything else that we have tried.

This video makes the case that despite their shortcoming, Read/Write tools are the best way to create and share our work and realize Authentic Learning environments.

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Free Hug Friday

I don’t give out free hugs. It isn’t as if I charge for them, far from it. But in advertising for free hugs, I would have to put myself out there to hug anyone. And I am selective with my hugs. I withhold them for my family and very close …