Author: <span>Ben Wilkoff</span>

Becoming a Student

We are prepared for the future by what currently surrounds us. If what surrounds us is upheaval and chaos, low expectations and mistrust, then our future will be built upon that. But, if what surrounds us is calm within a storm, unwavering support, and high expectations for what is possible, then the future will …

Definitions Matter

I don’t think it is overstating it to say that we don’t always speak the same language in Education. Aside from the more literal language barriers, the barrier of multiple definitions for critical problems holds us back from ever solving them. If we believe that teaching and learning is a craft …

Time, Opportunity, and Learning: Which are the Constants and Which are the variables?

Joe Dillon really got me started thinking about the constants and variables within schools and other institutions of learning. It made me think that we should take the constants off the table and stop worrying about them and start focusing only on the variables, in this case the Learning.

Original Video from Joe Dillon:

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The Parent Perspective

Choice is the true trump card that parents have to play in educating their children. Many parents agonize over their school choices and advocate for specific options to become their chosen reality. There is passion behind these choices and fervor in their rhetoric. But, vocal support of choice doesn’t look like …