#gtachi I think “We have just begun delivering on our mission.” is a great way to think about education in general.
#gtachi I think “We have just begun delivering on our mission.” is a great way to think about education in general.
#gtachi I think “We have just begun delivering on our mission.” is a great way to think about education in general.
I started thinking about what I would like to get out of #gtachi on the plane ride yesterday.
I started thinking about what I would like to get out of #gtachi on the plane ride yesterday. I know that we are…
To nominate your Youtube Channel for inclusion in Youtube Education…
Are you guys coming together this week? I haven’t seen anything in the community. If so, I will be there about a…
New position on the DPS Blended Learning Team: Personalized Learning Field Manager –
I know this network is vast and mostly not near Denver, but I wanted to send out a new position that we are hiring…
There is a new position on the #dpsk12 Blended Learning team. Please apply and become a part of our Team!
I wanted to make a few more things before heading out to #gtachi to help us collaborate and explore. I changed the…