Starting to Learn Google App Scripting
I will write a follow up post to this, but I have recently started to actually write some scripts (or modify others’ scripts) for use in specific contexts in Denver Public Schools, and so I wanted to share one of the best introductions to Google Apps Script that I have …
Common Core Google Site Templates
While there may be significant push back on elements of the Common Core, the ability to demonstrate learning in unique and powerful ways probably isn’t one of them. It is in that vein that I would like to curate two Common Core-aligned Math portfolio sites for student use: 6th Grade …
This is a great example of content sharing in a community.
This is a great example of content sharing in a community.
I’m on the lookout for blogs used as lesson plans and reflective practice spaces (with pictures and student work)….
I’m on the lookout for blogs used as lesson plans and reflective practice spaces (with pictures and student work)….
I’m on the lookout for blogs used as lesson plans and reflective practice spaces (with pictures and student work).
I’m on the lookout for blogs used as lesson plans and reflective practice spaces (with pictures and student work).
I’ve been pretty impressed with the redeisgn of this tool for giving voice comments and feedback on Google Docs. I’m interested to hear who is using it in their classrooms and how it is going. Kaizena · Give Great Feedback · Voice Comments for Google Drive Fast. Giving feedback is …
Making Google Sites more beautiful.
I have found that you can do more and more with Google Sites recently. Here is someone who is really pushing the envelope with Jquery, CSS, and custom themes. Really great examples of how you don’t have to just settle for the default themes and work. Presentation: Google Sites More …