Digital Literacy from Teaching Tolerance
I really like the stance that this resource takes on Digital Literacy: A place for teachable moments and actively creating tolerant online communities. The lesson plans here (Grades 3-12) seem as much about creating engaged digital citizens as they are about setting up a framework for understanding the modern world.
Textbooks, OER, and the Need for Open Pedagogy
The politics (and economics) of textbooks have always been complex. Do we have a moral or social obligation to make our textbooks and very way we teach students more open? This is yet one more well researched article that says pretty unequivocally, “Yes!”
Agency and High Quality PBL
The recently released “Framework for High Quality Project-Based Learning” is helping many students and adult learners to have more agency in the work they choose to engage in. This article goes into that relationship, and it digs into the ways that we might help kids solve important problems, answer urgent questions, or simply address pressing issues that will have real-world impact.