What We Know

What We Know

We know we are alive. We know we are creative and collaborative thinkers and doers. We know we are courageous and curious. We know we are both fighters and learners. Let us embrace what we know and lean into what we do not.

You know more than you think.

Personalized Learning Isn’t About Tech

It is pretty obvious that some believe Personalized Learning is about technology, and so this article needed to be written. Those who have been doing it for years and understand that it isn’t about tech, sometimes need reminders. This is a good one.

A Quick Note On The Perils of Teacher Leadership – Jose Vilson

What a great reflection on how Teachers can embrace leadership, but the inherent issues with doing so within a broader leadership context.

Padlet’s Price Update Riles Teachers and Raises Questions About Sustainability of ‘Freemium’ Models | EdSurge News

For many who have been encouraging collaboration and creation in their classrooms, the news of Padlet’s price/service changes have been a huge surprise. How will you change your use of digital tools when they can change at any moment?

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