I like the focus of this course (parents and educators, specifically). I also like just how much purpose there is for each “assignment”. You are actually Tweeting in order to learn how to tweet. Anyway, I thought I would pass it along.
Free Twitter 101 eCourse for Parents & Educators No matter where I am, every time I speak I hear people say, “I wish someone would teach me how to tweet.” Well, I’m hoping this resource will provide some of those folks a place to learn how to leverage this social media tool at their own pace. I must admit, however, I am a complete rookie at delivering online instruction, and am using this course to improve the quality of my instruction. The information below contains everything you need to complete all five modules of this Twitter course designed specifically for teacher and parents new to Twitter. Finally, inside this course are many examples of the forward-thinking, selfless and collaborative people (I call them rock stars) that make up my personal learning network (PLN). You will enjoy this new and invigorating connected community. Have fun!