Year: <span>2013</span>

Stop Aggregating Content, and Start Aggregating Conversation

As good as we have gotten at aggregating all of our content into readers and websites (portals and hubs), we still have a terrible time aggregating conversation and comments. I think we need to fix this.

Here are some promising starts:

Reflective Practice Vlogging Community:

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Teachers are Essential: Curating a Path Toward Responsibility

One of the best parts about learning in a community, is when you let the community affect your understanding. I let Phill Macoun and Darren Kuropatwa help my understanding of the role of the teacher in a MOOC and other connected learning environments. The result was to suggest that we allow 5 curators to create paths for us through ETMOOC. They could act as mentors and help us see what there is to see.

Original video from Phil:

Original video from Darren:

Reflective Practice Vlogging Community:

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