Year: <span>2013</span>

Choosing Those Who Sit Across From You

I was pretty excited about Scott McLeod and Angela Maiers doing a video response to my question over the weekend (, but there were two things that really resonated with me:

1. Role-Alike networks (rather than Job-Alike networks)
2. Choosing those who you would like to learn with

Let’s do more of both.

Video from Scott and Angela:
Reflective Practice Vlogging Community:

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Mapping a Network

Recently, I asked all of you a question, “What would you do as a Director of Blended Learning?” Immediately after the first response came in, I realized that I would need some way to aggregate all of the answers. I didn’t want a list and I didn’t want to simply …

Ski School Teaches Us How to Know Our Learners Better?

I have taken a bit of inspiration from my daughter’s Ski Lesson and thought about better ways to get to know learners than traditional assessments. If we watch them come down the hill and struggle with their turns, I think we get a much better picture of where they are in their progress. If we can be with them in their learning and catch them if they fall, we will be better teachers and we will change the conversation to be more about them as people than them as a score on a test.

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Say More: Getting Beyond First Draft Answers

Whenever we accept the first answers from learners, we are saying that first drafts are enough. As Luke Cowdell references, we need to be pushing one another to move beyond First Draft Ideas and collaborate with one another by using two simple words: "Say More."

Original Luke Cowdell video:

Reflective Practice Vlogging Community:

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