Year: <span>2013</span>

False-Momentum, False-Change, and False-Positives: The Harm We Can Do With Half-Baked Initiatives

A teammate posed this question: What are the implications of not doing Blended Learning right? It really got me thinking abut the harm we can inflict by not having the right vision or being able to fully execute on that vision. Even with good intentions, are we still inflicting harm on an overloaded system if we don’t do it "right."

I pose the idea that the harm is in False-Momentum. But, how do we combat this?

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The Future of Status Updates

The humble status update has become something of a joke. We do dozens of them a day and we let them pass by without any concern for building something new out of them. We should take our time with them, and reflect before we write them. We will make the future of Status Updates because it is an important way of telling our stories into being.

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Open Invitations: The Ask, The Story, and The Person

Joe Dillon did a great reflection on how Open Invitations have led to his understanding of Open Education, and I wanted to dig a little bit deeper into this concept of an Open Invitation. It is my thought that the three elements of an invitation are the Ask, The Story and The Person (doing the asking).

So, what are you asking for, what is the story you are telling, and how are you presenting yourself in your own Open Invitations.

Joe’s Original Video:

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