Year: <span>2013</span>

Student Progress

It is unique experience to hear words like Differentiation and Direct Instruction from 14 year olds. There is a strange cognitive dissonance that happens when children are using your “invented” language for their own ends, advocating for themselves in ways that you hadn’t even considered. What do you do when they own …

Snow Days

I remember when snow days weren’t quite so productive, when the blanket of snow didn’t mean that I was going to be able to get to inbox 0 more easily. It wasn’t my first snow day, but it was my first snow day as a part of DPS. It wasn’t …

Hands, Heads, and Hearts

Technology is not for escape and isolation. It is not for creating walls around yourself in a virtual learning cubicle. It is not for individualizing learning so much that you are the only one taking part in your growth. No, technology is for connection and creation. It is for coming …