An amazing 4th grade teacher in DPS, Jessica Raleigh, is doing this with her students. Anyone up for some collaboration?:
Our 4th and 6th graders are taking on a challenge to not just participate in the Hour of Code, but to facilitate coding in classrooms across our K-11. I’d love to get collaborative with other schools and do a share out on our learning or a collaborative coding project to wrap up Computer Science Education Week. Any ideas on how best to do this or teachers who want to play with us?
Originally shared by Code School
The Hour of Code is now just a few weeks away. If you haven’t heard already, Code School is supporting this unprecedented movement to help 10 million students try computer science this December (9-15). We’re asking you to join us.
If you’re interested in participating at your school or work – see: http://csedweek.org/participate
If you’re interested in helping promote this awesome event – see: http://csedweek.org/promote
Thanks 🙂
Anik Régimbald-Cyr Jean-Marc Dupont Ça vous intéresse?
We are going to do Hour of Code at C2E. Still working on the details of it.
Beth Mossholder I’ve had an email started to you and haven’t had a chance to send in the craziness. Let me know if anyone wants to do something collaborative with my 4th graders. In the least I’d love to get the kids talking with others about the experience.
Absolutely! I will get our schedule together and send to you, would be awesome to do that!