Thinking about making a request for information fully transparent. Each vendor could see the other vendor’s responses. Also, other school districts and organizations that have done similar work could respond and gain insight from the responses. What do you think of the idea? Any reasons not to do so?
My thought is that by making it entirely transparent, all other school districts could benefit. We can also make the process of a request for information into a learning opportunity.
I love the idea unless there are legal ramifications.
I love the idea unless there are legal ramifications.
I think the difference here, though, is that it isn’t a request for proposal, but rather information. So, no companies are required to “bid”, but I think that all companies and orgs would have to know that it is open for sure.
I think the difference here, though, is that it isn’t a request for proposal, but rather information. So, no companies are required to “bid”, but I think that all companies and orgs would have to know that it is open for sure.
I think there is a certain level of comfort that is required by such a move, but I think it is something we can push for as we look to innovate out of silos of information and district departments.
I think there is a certain level of comfort that is required by such a move, but I think it is something we can push for as we look to innovate out of silos of information and district departments.
I think this could be a great first step in moving towards improved understanding and sharing of knowledge across departments, schools, and districts. Information and knowledge gained behind closed doors inevitably forces continued re-creation and a lack of efficiency instead of propelling ideas and outcomes forward. I’ll be excited to see how this goes.
I think this could be a great first step in moving towards improved understanding and sharing of knowledge across departments, schools, and districts. Information and knowledge gained behind closed doors inevitably forces continued re-creation and a lack of efficiency instead of propelling ideas and outcomes forward. I’ll be excited to see how this goes.
I was talking with Tim about this. He said legally RFIs are all public records because we are a subdivision of the state of Colorado, aka the government.
I was talking with Tim about this. He said legally RFIs are all public records because we are a subdivision of the state of Colorado, aka the government.
So, technically, they are already transparent. So, why not publish them from the outset!
So, technically, they are already transparent. So, why not publish them from the outset!