Month: <span>February 2013</span>

When are Constraints on Learning a Good Thing?

I would love to develop a list of creative, generative constraints for learning. Please comment to add your ideas to this list.

Inspired by Brendan Murphy:

Reflective Practice Vlogging Community:

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Don't be Self-Conscious about your Learning

I believe for us to transform the ways in which we teach and learn, we cannot be self-conscious about the ways in which we express that learning. Dew2Circumstances has some advice for first time vloggers and creators, that I think is essential: Own the four walls of your videos. You can be and do whatever you want within them.

Dew2Circumstances’ Channel:

Reflective Practice Vlogging community:

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Stop Aggregating Content, and Start Aggregating Conversation

As good as we have gotten at aggregating all of our content into readers and websites (portals and hubs), we still have a terrible time aggregating conversation and comments. I think we need to fix this.

Here are some promising starts:

Reflective Practice Vlogging Community:

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