Month: <span>February 2013</span>

Is Learning Without an Audience Really Learning?

I was inspired by the concept of learning a teacher rather than a subject and I wanted to dig more deeply into whether or not it was something to pursue or avoid. Essentially, I believe that learning without a way to demonstrate that learning and someone to demonstrate it to isn’t learning at all. We should avoid Khan-ification of learning, as it removes any kind of authentic audience.

Original Inspiration Video from The NerdWriter:

Reflective Practice Vlogging:

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Collaborate to Create a Trust Network

Collaborations aren’t merely good as a 21st century skill. They are good because of the networks of trust that they create, and because they generate more collaboration and connections. Establish projects that allow you to do something you wouldn’t be able to do on your own.

Reflective Practice Vlogging Community:

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Stop Judging to Exclude Others, Start Adjudicating Value

As the Catawompus Cousins have so eloquently put it, we are constantly asked to judge the media in front of us and make calls about who is "in" or "out" of our networks. We do this with books, blog posts, and even tools for learning. If you don’t know about these things or don’t agree with them, you will be ostracized. How about we stop doing that. What if we started looking at these people for the value they can provide rather than what they already know and have been exposed to.

Thanks to the Catawompus Cousins for the inspiration:–Vo_iQ

Reflective Practice Vlogging Community:

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