Month: <span>February 2013</span>

Reclaiming Blended Learning

Inspired by Kevin Honeycutt, I wanted to dig deeply in what Blended Learning is and what it can become. Also, I share a story of my own Blended Learning.

Please share your story of how you are actively reclaiming Blended Learning.

Kevin’s Video:
Reflective Practice Vlogging Community:

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Which Learning Space Do You Own?

After having a great conversation with a number of educators from the Douglas County School District, I did a lot of reflection on why so many communities that we start seem to die shortly after their birth. This video is what I came up with for an answer.

Let’s make sure that whenever we are setting up a new community space for learners (including adult learners) that we have first have allowed them to set up a space to call their own.

Google Doc from the meeting:

Reflective Practice Vlogging Community:

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Choosing Those Who Sit Across From You

I was pretty excited about Scott McLeod and Angela Maiers doing a video response to my question over the weekend (, but there were two things that really resonated with me:

1. Role-Alike networks (rather than Job-Alike networks)
2. Choosing those who you would like to learn with

Let’s do more of both.

Video from Scott and Angela:
Reflective Practice Vlogging Community:

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Mapping a Network

Recently, I asked all of you a question, “What would you do as a Director of Blended Learning?” Immediately after the first response came in, I realized that I would need some way to aggregate all of the answers. I didn’t want a list and I didn’t want to simply …