He owns a typewriter and collects Laserdiscs. He loves his three children quite a bit (aged 11, 16 and 18). He is passionate about authentic learning, technology with purpose, and creating at least one new thing every day. In short, he teaches, and learns. A lot.
Backchannels for me have been superb for my professional development.
Being in private industry, I have attended some business conferences and on the whole, there is HARDLY any tweeting or sharing going on. At the same time, I’ve been to Corporate Learning conferences and you only have a handful of people tweeting and sharing in the conversation (and it’s always the same people). Out of those, some conference organisers don’t even organise a backchannel for events but there may be one or two people who would curate the content in their own blogs.
So this is still a relatively new concept for many people.
Back channels have been important to me. My employer does not pay for any of my professional development anymore, I pay my own way for conferences or attend courses I want to do, back channels have been my way of connecting with the conference organisers, presenters and topics and links to references. It’s a cheap and easy way – but I believe more effective as you’re also building your PLN for professional development.
I have attempted to do my own collection of resources when I attend conferences and put those on my blog and Evernote but I wouldn’t call these as detailed as the people above – if anything they are just my own personal collection of notes and links mentioned by presenters are shared that MAY help others. For me, curation is really a personal thing.
Backchannels for me have been superb for my professional development.
Being in private industry, I have attended some business conferences and on the whole, there is HARDLY any tweeting or sharing going on. At the same time, I’ve been to Corporate Learning conferences and you only have a handful of people tweeting and sharing in the conversation (and it’s always the same people). Out of those, some conference organisers don’t even organise a backchannel for events but there may be one or two people who would curate the content in their own blogs.
So this is still a relatively new concept for many people.
Back channels have been important to me. My employer does not pay for any of my professional development anymore, I pay my own way for conferences or attend courses I want to do, back channels have been my way of connecting with the conference organisers, presenters and topics and links to references. It’s a cheap and easy way – but I believe more effective as you’re also building your PLN for professional development.
I have attempted to do my own collection of resources when I attend conferences and put those on my blog and Evernote but I wouldn’t call these as detailed as the people above – if anything they are just my own personal collection of notes and links mentioned by presenters are shared that MAY help others. For me, curation is really a personal thing.
Backchannels for me have been superb for my professional development.
Being in private industry, I have attended some business conferences and on the whole, there is HARDLY any tweeting or sharing going on. At the same time, I’ve been to Corporate Learning conferences and you only have a handful of people tweeting and sharing in the conversation (and it’s always the same people). Out of those, some conference organisers don’t even organise a backchannel for events but there may be one or two people who would curate the content in their own blogs.
So this is still a relatively new concept for many people.
Back channels have been important to me. My employer does not pay for any of my professional development anymore, I pay my own way for conferences or attend courses I want to do, back channels have been my way of connecting with the conference organisers, presenters and topics and links to references. It’s a cheap and easy way – but I believe more effective as you’re also building your PLN for professional development.
Ones I’m following today are Kate Graham at the #LTUK13 conference http://stephaniededhar.wordpress.com/2013/01/14/brilliant-backchannel-tweeting-what-to-do-before-an-event/ and http://kategraham23.wordpress.com/ David Kelly is fantastic for collating resources and this is one he is doing currently for #ASTD13 http://davidkelly.me/2013/01/astd-techknowledge-2013-conference-backchannel-curated-resources-astdtk13/
I have attempted to do my own collection of resources when I attend conferences and put those on my blog and Evernote but I wouldn’t call these as detailed as the people above – if anything they are just my own personal collection of notes and links mentioned by presenters are shared that MAY help others. For me, curation is really a personal thing.
Backchannels for me have been superb for my professional development.
Being in private industry, I have attended some business conferences and on the whole, there is HARDLY any tweeting or sharing going on. At the same time, I’ve been to Corporate Learning conferences and you only have a handful of people tweeting and sharing in the conversation (and it’s always the same people). Out of those, some conference organisers don’t even organise a backchannel for events but there may be one or two people who would curate the content in their own blogs.
So this is still a relatively new concept for many people.
Back channels have been important to me. My employer does not pay for any of my professional development anymore, I pay my own way for conferences or attend courses I want to do, back channels have been my way of connecting with the conference organisers, presenters and topics and links to references. It’s a cheap and easy way – but I believe more effective as you’re also building your PLN for professional development.
Ones I’m following today are Kate Graham at the #LTUK13 conference http://stephaniededhar.wordpress.com/2013/01/14/brilliant-backchannel-tweeting-what-to-do-before-an-event/ and http://kategraham23.wordpress.com/ David Kelly is fantastic for collating resources and this is one he is doing currently for #ASTD13 http://davidkelly.me/2013/01/astd-techknowledge-2013-conference-backchannel-curated-resources-astdtk13/
I have attempted to do my own collection of resources when I attend conferences and put those on my blog and Evernote but I wouldn’t call these as detailed as the people above – if anything they are just my own personal collection of notes and links mentioned by presenters are shared that MAY help others. For me, curation is really a personal thing.