On a day when the kids are off of school (teacher in service), I have been incredibly convenienced by systems that were built for me.
1. Emissions testing, which used to be a pain was quick and right by my house.
2. Barnes an Noble, which used to be a book store had more things for my kids to do than the children’s museum (great books, learning toys, and nooks).
3. Ikea, which didn’t exist until recently in Denver, has free coffee and has a kids play area that takes care of children for an hour while you shop.
Today is ridiculous. How did everything get so easy and free?
Remember when restaurants used to charge you for free refills? It was like stealing to go up there and re-up my Diet Coke.
Remember when restaurants used to charge you for free refills? It was like stealing to go up there and re-up my Diet Coke.
Cheaper products/labor + inflated prices = “free” services
Cheaper products/labor + inflated prices = “free” services