Month: <span>August 2010</span>

Question 215 of 365: What happens when languages are made irrelevant?

Image via Wikipedia This situation now exists: Google Chrome senses when a webpage is written in another language and it translates it on the fly into the language of your choice. Google Docs does the same thing with collaborative documents. This means that a great many barriers are removed from …

Question 214 of 365: What changes everything?

Image by Jesslee Cuizon via Flickr I don’t often make proclamations that I believe to be true for everyone. I don’t do this because I know that there is a high likelihood of me being wrong. So high, in fact, that I feel as though it would undermine my credibility …

Question 213 of 365: Where is the asterisk?

Image via Wikipedia I have never understood infomercials. While they may be fun to watch or poke fun at every once in a while, I have never for a moment wanted one of those products bad enough to want to “call and order right away.” I know that there probably …