Question 218 of 365: How crippling is indecision?

Question 218 of 365: How crippling is indecision?

Bridging a stream
Image by National Library of Scotland via Flickr

In the midst of trying to figure about a direction for work, for passion, and for sanity, I find myself crippled with indecision. I find myself able to do lots of research and quite a little bit of planning, but pulling the trigger seems to be maddeningly out of grasp.

I am spending so much time exploring possibilities, I’m not sure that I will have time to pursue any of them. Everything is about skating on the surface. I am afraid of diving in too deep.

I’m not apprehensive about choosing the wrong thing. I’m worried about not being able to still have all of these possibilities laying in front of me. I’m worried that by choosing one, all of the other ones will just float away.

And I don’t want them to.

I want to be indecisive for a moment and procrastonate into a stupor.

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  1. Jacqueline L Cahill

    Its part of the process. I hope you allowed yourself to be clueless and scared and as a result procrastinate. Just make sure it is part of the process and not the endzone.

  2. Right. Procrastination should never be the final result. I think that therernare lots of good things about it, including a great deal of reflection. But,rnI don’t want to get bogged down in it either. I find that so long as I don’trnworry too much about the fact that I am doing it, I will eventually get overrnit.

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