Month: <span>June 2010</span>

Question 162 of 365: When does a voice hold us close?

Image via Wikipedia Kurt Vonnegut is the first author that I ever truly loved. It started with Hocus Pocus and Slaughter House Five, but it really matured when I read his short stories in Welcome to the Monkey House. In each one of his longer works I could see him …

Question 161 of 365: How important is bearing a resemblence?

My son looks just like me, or at least so I am told. He has bigger eyes and a rounder nose, but other than that, there is a striking resemblence that would never leave someone confused about his paternity. I am told that this resemblence in young children to the …

Question 160 of 365: When is something both good and true?

Image by Getty Images via @daylife We have been warned all of our lives that things that seem too good to be true, probably are. This healthy sense of skepticism is bred into us at very young age. This is done so that we don’t go home with strangers and …