Month: <span>March 2010</span>

Question 90 of 365: How can we stop creating knowledge pyramid schemes?

Image via Wikipedia I’m in over my head. I claim to know more than I do. I’m standing on the shoulders of giants, and I don’t even know their names. The current expectation is that I am knowledgeable about everything that is put in front of me. It has been …

Question 88 of 365: What are we worth?

We are never so crass as to boil down a person to a dollar amount. To do that would be to establish the idea that a person could be purchased, rented, or otherwise commodified. And, we don’t do that. Instead, we valuate ideas. We put a price tag on companies …

Question 87 of 365: What looks like planning (but isn't)?

In many ways, the working world around me is in a shambles. People have left or are leaving, transitions and uncertainty abound. I hear daily that things will get better soon, but I see many institutions with which I associate, that this is clearly not the case. The further fragmentation …

Question 86 of 365: What is on the internet?

I remember looking at the TV guide when I was a kid. I used to take it out of the Sunday paper and put it into the remote basked after I looked at the summaries for Home Improvement and Boy Meets World for the week. I would scan across the …

Question 85 of 365: How can Guerrilla ads make themselves?

In general, advertising is incredibly derivative. Promotion forever copies the next new thing in the hopes of creating buzz or catching the latest wave of popular opinion. Guerrilla Ads are ones that are, by definition, completely unique. They work by breaking through everyday noise and recreating the mundane into something …

Question 84 of 365: Should we want to be darlings?

Image by ciaranj75 via Flickr I realize that it is often a very specific push that gets you on your way. The folks doing that pushing are ussually called rainmakers or some other similarly flattering name. They are the ones with the capacity to tell everyone else just what to …

Question 83 of 365: What does it mean to be device free?

Image via Wikipedia We are dependent upon our computers for our livelihoods and our entertainment. We are dependent upon our cell phones for communication and connection. We are dependent upon dozens of technologies in our daily lives but if we were more accurate with this dependency, we are dependent upon …

Question 82 of 365: Who should we have in our buildings?

I enjoy talking about space a whole lot. It doesn’t matter whether it is online or physical, the concept intrigues me to no end. I could debate what should be a part of a space the create the best environment for collaboration for hours and not be tired of thinking …

Question 81 of 365: What can we reverse engineer?

I would love to be able to talk about the reverse engineering of DVD encryption or iPhone firmware intelligently, but mostly I would be quoting from wikipedia entries on the topics. I love the fact that people can take a look at an object or technology and see just how …