I sent this out to all of the interested parties via e-mail today, but I know that a lot more people are following along, so here is the update on SpeedGeek Learning:
We have new logo choices:

So far, the consensus has been that the first one is the right choice. But, if you believe otherwise, please go to the design page and leave a comment. (Or if you have some extra time this week, make your own logo…)
The Development Plan got an upgrade:
Our development plan got a big boost this week. We now have a firm date for prototype launch of November 1st with testing going on the two weeks prior to that. If you would like to see what the initial outline of the prototype is, please go over to the development plan page.
We will be using Tom Metz and his http://www.bocumastdesign.com
This is only for the prototype which will likely garner more interest than the sketches and introductory video. If there is anything in this prototype phase that you would like to offer, please either edit the site or send me an e-mail.
Brainstorms, Conversations and Feedback:
Over the last two weeks I have had the pleasure of receiving a lot of feedback on the project, all of which I have chronicled on the corresponding page on the site. I am particularly encouraged by the feedback we received on the Drop.io site, which I have collected here. I have also set up a Get Satisfaction group for SpeedGeek Learning, but until the prototype goes up, I don’t anticipate using it too much.
Design Mockup:
We have our first design of the Session page, which is being used to develop the prototype. Please go and check it out and let us know what you think by commenting on the page. The logo and design are thanks to Jenna Thompson. She is wonderful.
Speedgeek Learning Sessions starting to shape up:
I have watched some really amazing presentations from Ignite and I am getting really close to closing out a few SpeedGeekLearning Sessions. I do need some more help adding more videos to make 10 full SpeedGeek Learning Sessions ready to go for the Prototype phase. Please come and watch some of the videos to get a feel for the direction we are heading and suggest your own in the comments or by editing the site itself.
Other things:
If you don’t have access to the site yet, let me know what your gmail address is. And, if you still haven’t contacted that one person (or more likely, many) you know who would be interested in the project, please do so. The more people we have thinking about this, the better it will be. Thanks so much for all you have done. Talk to you all soon.