Month: <span>April 2009</span>

Jumpcut Closing, Obviously.

Image via CrunchBase I woke up this morning to this e-mail: Dear Jumpcut user, After careful consideration, we will be officially closing the site on June 15, 2009. This was a difficult decision to make, but it’s part of the ongoing prioritization efforts at Yahoo! Very soon, we’ll be …

Online Schools on Twitter

Image via CrunchBase I realized that my last post lacked a little context, so I am giving it now. Yesterday, an online school ( decided to follow me on twitter. It got me thinking. How many other online schools are already in this space (either as entities or as representatives …

Truth in advertising…

I have had quite a few people follow me on twitter recently that weren’t exactly people. They were organizations and schools. They were large groups of people that all somehow are tweeting with the same account. This, is a little unsettling to me and I’m not sure why.  I guess …

No one else is neccesary…

Image via Wikipedia I had a great conversation today with a fellow teacher and learner. We were talking about traditional elearning and what separates what we would like to do in the future. My contention is that traditional elearning consists of three things: Learning Modules (Text and Pictures that make …