Firefox Universal Uploader, a way to make Google Docs an e-portfolio or document backup

Firefox Universal Uploader, a way to make Google Docs an e-portfolio or document backup

Sorry for the long title, but I don’t need to talk all that much about this particularly cool tool.

I just wanted to convey just how excited I am about being able to drag and drop my documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and pdf’s into my google docs accounts. This will allow me to back up my documents very easily, but I can also see the applications for letting students create a much better organized e-portfolio with Google Docs.

I will leave it to someone else (or perhaps, myself when I have a little more time) to figure out other uses.

(You can also use this plugin to upload to flickr, slideshare, facebook, and a bunch of others… so it is okay if you don’t use Google Docs):

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