Year: <span>2008</span>


Cores 1+4: Extended Write-on: Continue reflection on Survival Simulation through discussion. Any final words before we bid the project, adieu? Anything we should do differently next time? Highlight some really great works of writing done on Monday. Return to Utopian poetry. How does the Tipslastt format help you to understand …


Cores 1+4: Listen and Present-on: Listen to the survival simulation presentations and start to ask what-if questions that are more based upon the feasibility of the society rather than terrifying events that may befall the inhabitants of the islands. Group 1 Voicethread for questions. Group 2 Voicethread for questions. Group …


Cores 1+4: Discuss-on: Survival Simulation Presentations: Write down two questions for the groups as they present and be ready to ask them at the end of their presentations. Extension: Continue to work on your personal curriculum. Core 2: Write-on: Rev-it-up! Continue our discussion of Separatist Utopias in early America. Extensions: …


Cores 1+4: Paper-only Write-on: Take a look at your Language Arts folder. Keep what you would like to show your parents during conferences and take the rest home. Finalize your Survival Simulations including Cast, Goals, and What-if’s. Create a voicethread as the presentation for your society (you can work collaboratively …


Cores 1+4: Pair Write-on: Utopian Poetry (Happiness, Before I Could Call Myself Angel Gonzalez, The Future, analysis: How can poetry describe utopia better than prose? How does the imagery of the poems influence your concept of utopia. Extension: Continue to work on your Survival Simulation and finish TipsLastt poem analysis. …


Cores 1+4: Write-on: Take another look at Trurl. Why does Lem write this story? What does the robot represent? Why is it so important that Trurl be right? Extensions: Continue to work on your Survival Simulations. Core 2: Rev-it-on: Do and say crazy things about our Level 2 words in …

Itches and Scratches

This is my first official Learning is Change podcast, and I hope it lives up to the legacy that the Discourse about Discourse educasts established. This podcast is all about trying to answer the following question: “What is the itch you are trying to scratch?” In the podcast, I try …


Cores 1+4: Discuss-on: Continue to work in your groups on your Survival Simulations. Extensions: Finalize goals and what-if’s. Core 2: Discuss-on: Continue to work on your Utopian Art handouts. Extension: Finish your Utopian Art handout. Core 3: Share-on: Who won the Image Grammar workout? What do the terms mean? Why …