Month: <span>May 2008</span>


Cores 1+4: Write or Blog-on: Tedfish’s Land Tour Demo: Touring your Utopia wiki pages with screencast-o-matic. Work on your final draft and your tour. Ask others for feedback and comments. Spend a large amount of time actually giving feedback. Extensions: Your final draft is due on Sunday Night. Core 2: …


Cores 1+4: Write-on: Read Animal Farm Chapter 7. Why does everyone see/hear/smell Snowball? Why is it necessary to change everyone’s viewpoint of snowball by altering the past? Why do the dogs go after Boxer? Why is beasts of England really banned? Do the punishments at the end of Chapter 7 …

Learning Language

I don’t usually post personal things on this blog, but I thought that this was just too important to leave unpublished. My daughter is learning language at an amazing rate. She knows more words at 18 months than I thought was possible, but they aren’t just any words. They are …