Month: <span>January 2007</span>


Cores 1-4: Check out our collective blogging identity. Submit your Sem2_Week3 weekly authentic and post. If you don’t know what to write about, consider building upon the question from the guest blogs. Comment on posts. Nominate for Authenticity Awards. Work on Personal Curriculum.


Cores 1-4: Look at the Authenticity Awards for Semester 2: Week 1. Check out a few of the Guest Bloggers. Core 1: Explore some resources for learning about words you want to learn about: Wordie Double-Tonged Dictionary Urban Dictionary Reverse Dictionary Add five words that you want to put into …


Cores 1-4: Decide new Guest Blogging Question: Is technology a good or bad influence on our lives? How much should parents “protect” their children? How have you (and your personality) changed over time? Don’t forget to post to Cores 1+3: Write-On: How do you actually add words to your …


Cores 1-4: Reminder to post. Cores 1: Dive back into vocab with vocabulary improv: Write down the most interesting character you can think of on a small sheet of paper. Write down the most interesting setting you can think of on a small sheet of paper. Put them in …


Reveal the Future of Reading. Read/Comment, Work on 2nd Weekly Authentic for second semester, Work on Personal Curriculum, Nominate for Authenticity Award, or Post to Del.Icio.Us.


Cores 1-4: It is harder for some of us to think outside of what we know, to dream up something completely radical and filled with hope. I would like to thank you for destroying the boundaries of the classroom, if only for one day. Yesterday, I saw so many great …