

Core 1:

  1. Go over Choosing the Right word for Unit 8 vocabulary book.
  2. Write-On: Write a simile/metaphor that compares blogging to an event, action, or idea. (“Blogging is like football, putting out a fire, fishing, etc.”)
  3. Read Blogging is like Football.
  4. What is your personal purpose for blogging, for writing your own ideas down every week.

Core 2:

  1. Write out an analogy question based upon Unit 32 or The Nerd Herd Big Word Books.
  2. Try to stump the teacher and all other students with your question.
  3. Explore the relationships between the words of the hardest questions on the smart board.
  4.  Write-On: Write a simile/metaphor that compares blogging to an event, action, or idea. (“Blogging is like football, putting out a fire, fishing, etc.”)

Core 3:

  1. Look at all student generated essay writing options:
    •  What makes school meaningful?
    • Why do you get up in the morning?
    • Should kids have their own room?
    • Should there be ZAP?
    • Should teachers allow kids with after school programs more time for homework?
    • Should I wait for my cousins’ plane or do something to ensure that he gets here?
    • Should the school have open campus?
    • Should touchdown celebrations be banned?
    • Should kids have to be 16 or older to get their license?
    • Why was the internet invented?
    • Should kids have report cards?
    • Should 6th grade be in middle school in all middle schools?
    • Should abortion be allowed?
    • Should gay marriage be legal?
    • Do you think that there should be money?
    • Should homework exist?
    • Why does TV exist?
    • Should books only be printed in black and white?
    • What was the person who invented the yo-yo thinking?
    • Why do kids need grades?
  2. Refine thesis statements for chosen topics.
  3. Write introductory paragraph for essay making sure that it has a start-me-up sentence, packing the bags sentences, and a thesis statement (See mine for an example).

Core 4:

  1. Write-On: Write a simile/metaphor that compares blogging to an event, action, or idea. (“Blogging is like football, putting out a fire, fishing, etc.”)
  2. Read Blogging is like Football.
  3. What is your personal purpose for blogging, for writing your own ideas down every week.
  4. Work on your weekly authentic because tomorrow you will be doing the vision and hearing testing.

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