

Cores 1-4:

  1. Go over the Language Arts instructions for your SLC.
  2. Show off the new Authenticity Awards.
  3. Explore some good Building Comments:

Core 1:

  1. Discuss-On: Do we have the power to create new genres of writing? How?
  2. Distribute the Genre Master List and discuss the unknown genres.
  3. Ask for a few Good Parts.

Core 2:

  1. Discuss-On: What new insights do you have about the speeches of FDR and GWB? Compare your ideas on the Speech Analysis Form.
  2. As Moose so eloquently put it, imagine if you were the “little speech dude” in charge of writing a presidential speech after a major attack on the country.
  • What sorts of things would you be forced to consider/include?
  • What would not be able to talk about?
  • What words would you use to convey your message?
  1. Write out the first paragraph of your speech and perform it for a partner.
  2. Ask for a few Good Parts.

Core 3:

  1. Play Vocabulary Basketball with “Word Stories”.
    • Get into three/four teams.
    • I will ask you questions about a vocabulary word about synonyms, antonyms, definitions, or parts of speech. You must answer the question and give a sentence that uses the word that evokes an image. For example, “The crusty vagabond with spinach in his teeth had nothing to do, so he hurtled himself down a flight of stairs, breaking every bone in his body.”
  2. Ask for a few Good Parts.

Core 4:

  1. Compare-On: Discuss your answers to this question: “How can books, writing, and words influence social change?”
  2. Presentation of Change by self-selected group.
  3. Group Brainstorm:
    • Which words are most likely to produce social change? Why?
    • Can anyone use these words? At any time?
  4. Homework: Is it easier or harder to produce social change (a change of the mind)  than a change in someone’s actions? Why? or Is it more or less important to produce social change (a change of the mind)  than a change in someone’s actions? Why?
  5. Ask for a few Good Parts.

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