

Core 1:

  1. Write-on: Translate five of your authentic topics into inauthentic prompts.
    • What is the difference in the wording of an authentic topic vs. inauthentic prompt?
  2. Discover how we can go from inauthentic prompts to authentic topics
    • How can you attack an inauthentic prompt?
    • What do you owe an authentic topic?
  3. Extensions:
    • Take your worst prompt of all time and write out how you would attack it if you were given it again (your authentic way of writing it).

Core 2:

  1. Act-on and Write-on: Get with one other person who has their beginning sentence and switch predicates. Write your new sentence in your notebook.
  2. Continue reading “Thou Shalt Not Kill Thy Sentences.”
    • Take notes on types of sentences and clauses.
  3. Extension:
    • Find one compound-complex sentence in your AR book and bring it in.

Core 3:

  1. Write-on: How do you know when you have used too many sesquipedalian words in a conversation or a piece of writing?
  2. Attempt the translation on page 6.
    • How can you translate the exact meaning while still giving it your own writing style.
  3. Analyze the Analogies.
    • What kind of relationships are possible in an analogy?
  4. Extension:
    • Create your own analogy using two other words in list 31.

Core 4:

  1. Write-on: What was the worst writing prompt that you have ever encountered? Why?
  2. Hand back and Discuss Ocean Question papers.
  3. Brainstorm the differences between an authentic topic and an inauthentic prompt?
    • What were you able to accomplish with the authentic piece that you couldn’t do with the inauthentic piece?
    • What are the most authentic prompts that you can think of?
  4. Extensions:
    • Write down ten Authentic topics that you would like to explore this year (or that other people would want to explore)?

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