Debunking EdTech Myths

Debunking EdTech Myths

I am really interested in the “myths” that are debunked in this study:

Myth 1: New technologies are being developed all the time, the past history of the impact of technology is irrelevant to what we have now or will be available tomorrow.
Myth 2: Today’s children are digital natives and the ‘net’ generation – they learn differently from older people.

Myth 3: Learning has changed now we have access to knowledge through the internet, today’s children don’t need to know stuff, they just need to know where to find it.

Myth 4: Students are motivated by technology so they must learn better when they use it.

Myth 5: The Everest Fallacy: we must use technology because it is there!

Myth 6: The “More is Better” Fallacy.

What do you think are the biggest myths in EdTech?

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