While I do not really believe that my year has been a sum of the following things, I really needed to take a moment and look back on all of the blog posts, tweets, and tagged links. I think I needed to see some impact as this year dwindles to a close. I could go ahead and make this into one of those Mastercard “Priceless” commercials, but I think that cheapens the contributions I have made. While these numbers are by no means impressive, they do represent where I am in my thinking and in my digital footprint.
I have thought a lot about all of the different things that I could measure this year with and against. At the beginning of this year, I set a goal of blogging every day. Somewhere around April, I decided that there were other priorities that required my attention, so I fell about 200 blog posts short. While I consider my goals for the coming year, I would still like to make numbers a part of my strategy, but a smaller part. Instead of writing a year in review that measures the number of blog posts I wrote, I would like to measure the number of conversations I started or the number of questions that I asked or answered. That, to me, will feel much more real and satisfying than numbers of words typed or tweets sent. Any ideas on how to do that?
Number of Learning is Change Blog Posts:
Number of Visits to Learning is Change:
13,849 (According to Google Analytics)
Number of Pageviews:
21,097 (According to Google Analytics)
Number of Tweets:
1176 (According to Tweetake)
Number of websites tagged:
489 (according to delicious)
Number of links pointing to “Learning is Change” found within the last 12 months:
612 (according to Google Webmaster’s Tools)
Number of Google Docs Created (not included others’ docs):
348 (according to a filter in Google Docs)
Presentations/Sessions from 2009:
- Ignite Denver
- CO TIE 2009 (The On Button and Design with Forever in Mind)
- Educon 2.1