- Image by Mirko Macari via Flickr
While this may not be an earth shattering to anyone else, I just figured out how to embed a login to moodle into any webpage. While, I believed that this was possible, I didn’t think it would be this easy. Here is the code that you can put on any webpage and have it login to moodle:
<form class="loginform" name="login" method="post" action="">
<p>Username :
<input size="10" name="username" />
<p>Password :
<input size="10" name="password" type="password" />
<input name="Submit" value="Login" type="submit" />
Here is what it looks like (if you want to test it out… User: guestuser Pass: access):
Now, why should anyone care about this?
Well, most school districts (and individual schools, for that matter) do not use Moodle as their landing page for information. They have either some other CMS, website system, or simply a string of dreamweaver html files. Whenever they want to put Moodle into their system, they will generally put a link to the moodle and then have people login there. This is an extra step that can now be avoided. Also, you can not only put this on one page, you can put this on many pages. This could be on a wiki, a blog, or any other page that is “district owned”. This means that you could constantly be encouraging people to start learning simply by logging in at their favorite place.
You don’t have to make people change their own workflow in order to log in to a LMS or Google Apps if you have tied the two together. You can give them the power to login from anywhere! Nice.
Very sweet… We’re working on single-sign-on still. I can’t wait until the summer when our sys admin has the time to really dig into code and get us closer to the killer app.