I’m planning on using this community throughout the year to help share resources. Here is one that I found this morning that I found extremely interesting.
It is a Principal’s guide to blended learning. I think that the perspective described here is one that isn’t being considered a lot and for those principals looking at Blended Learning, I think it could be valuable.
He owns a typewriter and collects Laserdiscs. He loves his three children quite a bit (aged 11, 16 and 18). He is passionate about authentic learning, technology with purpose, and creating at least one new thing every day. In short, he teaches, and learns. A lot.
Ok – I didn’t get any further than this paragraph:
“Finally, a key element of a successful blended learning model is the selection of software applications that enhance student motivation. Even though many of the best software applications present a game-like appearance, students are required to demonstrate a remarkable level of focus and perseverance in order to be successful in completion of the learning tasks. The inclusion of limited social networks, badges, rewards, and other motivators is important in order to maintain and support students’ motivation to stay fully engaged in the online learning process (Knewton Inc, 2012).”
I don’t believe this is where the power of blended learning lies at all. If you assemble a group of people – any group – and ask them about their most powerful learning experiences, and then list the common elements, nothing here will make the list. I have done this dozens of times, and the responses are always the same. Opportunities to create, collaborate, tackle real-world problems, and relationships with teachers are always at the top of the list. When I think of “computer applications” badges and rewards, I shudder at this model of education. Students need to be intrinsically motivated.
I support the blended learning model that addresses individual student ways of learning – that, in addition to offering some learning online and some face-to-face, provides students some element of choice in time, place, path, and/or pace of learning. (originally from Innosight Institute – they have changed names – not recalling the new one!) I think this fits with PBL, UbD and UDL – all elements of learning design that we incorporate with blended learning in our district.
I love your critique of this document and of the sentiment. I would say that the corporatization of Blended Learning is a real problem. I believe blended learning is the method by which we personalize learning according to need. Students need to be challenged by real world problems and put into collaborative environments. They do not NEED extrinsic motivations.
So, my question is this, though: What sorts of resources do you have for a principal that is interested in Blended Learning that are more in alignment with this vision of Blended Learning and less in alignment with “badges.”
I actually just saw this for the first time and realize that what we are doing now might be more of a hybrid model – but I’d like to say that by emphasizing instructional design, and with the new graduation guidelines paving the way for getting away from seat time requirements, we could be poised to move towards the Individual Rotation model he talks about. I definitely want to spend more time reading this and evaluating it against our practices.
Ok – I didn’t get any further than this paragraph:
“Finally, a key element of a successful blended learning model is the selection of software applications that enhance student motivation. Even though many of the best software applications present a game-like appearance, students are required to demonstrate a remarkable level of focus and perseverance in order to be successful in completion of the learning tasks. The inclusion of limited social networks, badges, rewards, and other motivators is important in order to maintain and support students’ motivation to stay fully engaged in the online learning process (Knewton Inc, 2012).”
I don’t believe this is where the power of blended learning lies at all. If you assemble a group of people – any group – and ask them about their most powerful learning experiences, and then list the common elements, nothing here will make the list. I have done this dozens of times, and the responses are always the same. Opportunities to create, collaborate, tackle real-world problems, and relationships with teachers are always at the top of the list. When I think of “computer applications” badges and rewards, I shudder at this model of education. Students need to be intrinsically motivated.
I support the blended learning model that addresses individual student ways of learning – that, in addition to offering some learning online and some face-to-face, provides students some element of choice in time, place, path, and/or pace of learning. (originally from Innosight Institute – they have changed names – not recalling the new one!) I think this fits with PBL, UbD and UDL – all elements of learning design that we incorporate with blended learning in our district.
Is this not the model others are following?
I love your critique of this document and of the sentiment. I would say that the corporatization of Blended Learning is a real problem. I believe blended learning is the method by which we personalize learning according to need. Students need to be challenged by real world problems and put into collaborative environments. They do not NEED extrinsic motivations.
So, my question is this, though: What sorts of resources do you have for a principal that is interested in Blended Learning that are more in alignment with this vision of Blended Learning and less in alignment with “badges.”
You might want to take a look at this white paper: http://www.christenseninstitute.org/publications/hybrids/
I actually just saw this for the first time and realize that what we are doing now might be more of a hybrid model – but I’d like to say that by emphasizing instructional design, and with the new graduation guidelines paving the way for getting away from seat time requirements, we could be poised to move towards the Individual Rotation model he talks about. I definitely want to spend more time reading this and evaluating it against our practices.
Also want to share how we present Blended Learning to our teachers: http://d20innovation.d20blogs.org/2012/09/24/being-a-designer-of-learning/
Great links Nancy! Thanks!