I got this for Christmas and I can’t wait to start drawing up ideas on it.
I have made it specifically clear that even though this paint will create an entire wall of dry erase area, it is not for our children to monopolize.
I’m thinking of painting only the top half of the wall in order to accomplish that, but I feel like it might be kind of mean.
Anyway, I just need to find 3 hours to do the painting and sanding and 7 days to watch it dry. My guess is that this box will be sitting here on my desk at this time next week as well.
Mo Willems’ has chalkboard walls in his dining room. He writes about them and shares pictures fairly frequently: http://mowillemsdoodles.blogspot.com/search/label/chalk
However you decide to use this, it is sure to be great fun!
That said, good luck getting it painted. I know that is no small feat in itself.
Thanks for the link to his blog. I love him as a writer and Knuffle Bunny
was our daughter’s first children’s book. I like the idea of doing “drawing
dinners’ too. This is awesome.