Category: <span>Recommendations</span>

What I'm Using:

I love the idea of learning to code in context. Although there is definitely a steep learning curve for getting it up and running, I think this project has huge potential. Exercism Better code through conversations. Thousands of conversations are happening on exercism. Here’s one of them. You start with …

What I'm Using: An App that lets me see who has access to my Google Drive Files and Folders

I think this app may be what a few of you folks have been waiting for. It scans your Google Drive and determines which files and folders are shared with which people and you can remove folks very quickly if they shouldn’t be there. Good times! Who Has Access – …

What I'm Learning: Scott Berkun has some wonderful advice for folks on how to run a workshop.

I absolutely love these rules and the ideas behind them. Study this blog post! How to run a good workshop RULE #1: A 3 HOUR LECTURE IS NOT A WORKSHOP RULE #2: THE MORE STUDENTS YOU HAVE, THE LESS OF A WORKSHOP IT IS RULE #3: WORK THE TRIAD: EXPLAIN, …

What I'm Using: SlideRule – A Search Engine for Online Courses and MOOCs

I like the idea of not having to go out to all of the different providers of online courses in order to find the content I am looking for. This is a great tool for filtering and finding great content. SlideRule: Find Online Courses/MOOCs. Read Reviews/Ratings Education is changing, with …

What I'm Learning: How to bulk Hide, Show, or Delete Sheets on Google Spreadsheets

On occasion, I have needed to mess around with very large spreadsheets. This is going to be a huge help in making those more manageable.  Bulk Hide, Show or Delete Multiple Sheets in Google Spreadsheets Too many sheets! I came across the problem of having a large number of visible or …

What I'm Using: One Click Hangout Extensions for Google Chrome!

I have needed these things SO MUCH in the last few months. The ability to start broadcasting directly to your youtube channel with a single click is pretty awesome. One Click Google Hangout – Chrome Web Store Presenting: “THE ONE CLICK GOOGLE HANGOUT BUTTON” After installing this extension you are …